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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-08-18
核心提示:Growing up, I drank my milk, 2-3 glasses every night, like a good little girl. This was during the 70s, way before lactose-intolerant-this, nondairy that, let alone hormone-free milk and Whole Foods. I also grewbig. I was healthy, but developed rath

    Growing up, I drank my milk, 2-3 glasses every night, like a good little girl. This was during the 70s, way before "lactose-intolerant-this," "nondairy that," let alone "hormone-free milk" and Whole Foods. I also grew…big. I was healthy, but developed rather quickly and was "cursed" with the curse before the age of 12. Since then, my periods have always been bad -- heavy, irregular, and crampy. I've been on and off the pill, on a first-name-basis with Advil, and tried a variety of supplements, exercise, and yoga, which have met with mild improvement. Laparoscopy has been suggested as an option, but surgery is something I've filed away in a "if I'm really desperate" drawer, with lackluster resignation.

    Two months before my 30-never-you-mind birthday, and after a particularly decadent weekend, I decided to detox, which included an experiment with veganism. It was surprisingly easy for me, living in a major metropolitan area (New York), laden with farmers' markets during the summer and 24-hour produce stands year-round. I made a made a conscious effort to get my nutrients from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, soy, and seitan. Of course, proximity to great vegan restaurants was a bonus.

    After the first month, I gradually started adding back fish, then meat. I continued, however, to abstain from dairy. So far, my diet had resulted in increased energy and decreased weight, and an unexpected benefit. My period, which operated on its own calendar, anywhere from 32-36 days, arrived promptly on day 28, with little fanfare, sparing me the assorted pain and other fun.

    This first instance, it was difficult to pinpoint the cause, or rather alleviation, of my suffering, as I had cut back on a variety of possible triggers other than dairy -- processed food, red meat, alcohol, and caffeine. But by the second month and cycle, while most foods had been re-introduced to my diet with the exception of dairy, my period was also lighter and I had fewer cramps. Thus, I began to notice a pattern.

    I'm sure an overall decrease in the amount of chemical-laden, bio-engineered foods in general played a role, but there is research suggesting a link between dairy and increased cramping. Prostaglandins, hormone-like chemicals that produce muscle contractions and cramping, are created from arachidonic acid, a fatty acid found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, and ice cream. Excess dairy can also promote high levels of estrogen, which are implicated in fibroids, a secondary cause of painful periods.

    If reducing or eliminating dairy, women must be especially mindful to obtain the daily requirements of calcium, which -- in addition to being essential for bone growth and retention -- can also minimize symptoms of PMS and menstruation. Calcium can be obtained from sources such as kale, spinach, soy, nuts and beans. Calcium and vitamin D, whatever the source, have a host of benefits, bone mass just being one of them. Many people can tolerate and digest dairy…as for myself, the jury is still out. Two months is not long enough to recognize the effects of food elimination…I'm gonna try at least 6 without dairy…barring a few moments here and there of manchego weakness.






    當(dāng)女人減少奶制品攝入的時候,要注意補(bǔ)充日常需要的鈣。鈣不僅對于維持骨骼生長及結(jié)構(gòu)穩(wěn)定是必需的,而且能減輕多囊卵巢綜合癥、圍絕經(jīng)期癥狀。鈣的來源很 多,比如甘藍(lán)菜、菠菜、黃豆、堅果或豆類。各種來源的鈣和維生素D都對身體有很多益處,維持骨骼強(qiáng)壯只是其中的一種。很多人都可以吃奶制品,但對我來說, 顯然還沒有定論。要想了解不吃奶制品的作用,兩個月的時間當(dāng)然還不夠長。我決定將時間延長到6個月。

關(guān)鍵詞: 牛奶 有益健康


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