1L Fresh whole milk1升鮮全脂牛奶
1 tbsp Bio plain yogurt as a starter1大勺天然原味酸奶
1.Place a smaller pot inside a larger one, and then fill the larger one with boiling water about half way up the side of the smaller pot. Pour carefully the milk into the smaller pot and attach the thermometer to the rim of the smaller pot.
2.Heat the milk to 85C, which is the temperature at which milk starts to froth, stirring gently. Do not boil. Carefully place pot of milk in cold water bath to cool to 43C. Stir occasionally. Let the starter yogurt sit at room temperature while you are waiting for the milk to cool. This will prevent it from being too cold when you add it in.
3.Remove pan from cold water and blend it with the yogurt starter culture.Pour it into one large clean container or several smaller ones. Cover each one tightly with a lid or plastic wrap.Wrap the container with dish towel and place into an insulated bag with a couple of jars filled with hot water. After 7 hours you will have a custard-like yogurt. The longer you let it sit beyond seven hours, the thicker and tangier it will become. Serve with raspberry compote.