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食品專業(yè)英語 LESSON 2 Carbohydrates

放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2005-05-28

   The food scientist has a many-sided interest in carbohydrates. He is concerned with their amounts in various foods, availability (nutritional and economic), methods of extraction and analysis, commercial forms and purity, nutritional valve, physiological effects, and functional properties in foods. Understanding their functional properties in processed foods requires not only knowledge of the physical and chemical properties of isolated carbohydrates, but also knowledge of the reactions and interactions that occur in situs between carbohydrates and other food constituents and the effects of these changes upon food quality and acceptance. This is a tall order for knowledge. Because processing affects both nutritional and esthetic values of food, knowledge of the changes that carbohydrates undergo during milling, cooking, dehydration, freezing, and storage is especially important.

   Students are advised to study the fundamental chemistry underlying useful carbohydrates properties Of service will be an understanding of the association of polar molecules through hydrogen bonding, ionic effects, substituent effects, chelation with inorganic ions, complexing with lipids and proteins, and decomposition reaction. This background will provide an understanding of properties that affect the texture and acceptance of processed foods (e.g., solubility, hygroscopicity, diffusion, osmosis, viscosity, plastity, and flavor production), properties that enable the formation or high quality pastries, gels, coatings, confections, and reconstitutable dehydrated and frozen foods.

  Ability to predict what changes in functional properties are likely to ensue from incorporating various types of carbohydrates into processed foods is a practical goal of the food scientist.Such forecasting requires either a wealth of experience with trial-and-error methods or a deep knowledge of carbohydrate properties as related to structure—perhaps both. However, scientific knowledge of cause and effect is highly respected when it shortens industrial development time  


       Source, Types, and Terminology


  The layman’s conception of carbohydrates generally involves only the sugars and starches of foods—those that generate calories and fat. The food chemist knows many other types that are ingested.

      Because most people enjoy the sweetness of sugars and the mouth feel of cooked starches, they become familiar by association with table sugar (sucrose), invert sugar’s hydrolyzed sucrose, corn syrup sugars (D-glucose and maltose), milk sugar (lactose), and the more starchy foods. These carbohydrates are nutritionally available; i .e., they are digested (hydrolyzed to component monosaccharides) and utilized by the human body。Carbohydrates of dietary fiber (cellulose, hemicelluse,  pentosans, and pectic substances), in contrast, tend to be overlooked because they are largely unavailable. Digestive enzymes do not hydrolyze them significantly; nevertheless, they may be quite important for human health.

  The carbohydrates of natural and processed foods are divided into available and unavailable types. The available carbohydrates vary in degrees of absorption and utilization depending upon quantities ingested, accompanying food types, and human differences in complements of defective enzymes and intestinal transport mechanisms. Malabsorption difficulties and adverse physiological effects are known for all the available carbohydrates but gelatinized starches give little or no trouble.

  It is important to realize that in ruminants the unavailable and most abundant polysaccharide cellulose is partially hydrolyzed to the same highly available sugar that starch provides upon digestion; i.e. D-glucose. Grazing animals do it through the celluloses generated by the microorganisms of their rumen. Cellulose is, therefore, a contributing source of voluble animal protein. Food chemists probably can improve upon the efficiency and economics of the ruminant’s conversion of cellulose to nutrients. Development of celluloses that are stable outside the cells of microorganisms enables the culturing of fungi and with yeasts on cellulose hydrolyzates. Fungi (e.g., mushrooms) can produce protein with the biological value of animal protein. The conversion of cellulose wastes to animal feed and human food is an intriguing prospect for limiting environmental pollution and for feeding the world’ expending population.

  Carbohydrates were first named according to their natural sources; e.g., beet sugar, cane sugar, grape sugar, malt sugar, milk sugar, cornstarch, liver glycogen, and sweet corn glycogen. Trivial names were then formed, in English terminology, often from a prefix related to the source followed by the suffix “-ose” to denote carbohydrate. Names arising in this way, for example, are fructose, maltose, lactose, xylose, and cellulose. These short, well-established names are still commonly used. They furnish no information on the chemical structures however, so a definitive carbohydrate nomenclature has been developed. From the definitive names, structural formulas can be written. Some of the terms involved in the definitive nomenclature are explained in the following paragraphs.

  The simple sugars (monosaccharides0 are basically aliphatic polyhydroxy aldehydes and ketones: HOCH2- (CHOH) n-CHO and HOCH2- (CHOOH) n-1-C-O-Ch2OH, called “aldoses” and “ketoses,” respectively. However, it must be understood that cyclic hemiacetals of those open-chain forms prevail I solids and at equilibrium in solutions. In the definitive nomenclature, the suffix “ose” is appended to prefixes denoting the number of carbon atoms in the nomosaccaride; e.g. trioses (n=1), tetroses (n=2), pentoses (n=3), hexoses (n=4) to distinguish aldoses from ketoses, ketoses are designated as”-uloses.” Thus, the simplest ketose, HOCH2-C:O-CH2OH, is a triulose; the most common ketose, D-fructose (levulose), is a hexlose. To designate the configurations of hydroxyl groups on the asymmetric carbon atoms of monosaccharides, the prefixes D and L are used together with prefixes derived from the trivial sugar names (e.g., D-glycero-, L-arabino-, D-xylo-) followed by pentose, hexose hexulose, etc.

  As open-chain hydroxy aldehydes and hydroxyl ketenes, the monosaccharides are very reactive. They readly enolize in alkaline soluions to reduce ions such as Cu2+ and Fe(CN)63-. Therefore, they are called “reducing sugars”. Plants protect the reactive monosaccharides for transport and storage by condensing them with loss of water, into less reactive sugars, e.g., D-glucose and D-fructose, are condensing in such a way that their reactive functions are lost to form the disaccharide no reducing sugar, sucrose. The less reactive sucrose is then transported to all parts of the plant for enzymin syntheses of oligo-and polysaccharides. From thousands or more D-glucose moieties of sucrose the glucans, starch and cellulose, are built. From the D-fructose moiety of sucrose, fructans such as inulin are assembled. Other polysaccharides are formed from other sugar, which rose by enzymic transformations of phosphorylated hexoes and sugar nucleotides.

The prefix “glyc,” is used in a generic sense to designate sugars and their derivatives; e.g., glycoses, glycosides, glycosans, glyconic glyceric, and glycuronic acids. The generic name for polysaccharides is “glycan”homoglycansare composed of single monosaccharide; for example, the D-glucans, cellulose and starch, release only D-glucose by hydrolysis. Other homoglycans (e.g., the hexcsans, D-galactan and D-manan, and the pentosans, L-arabinan and D-xy-lan) are uncommon in nature. Heteroglycans, composed of two or more different monosaccharides, are widely distributed than the homoglycans that are not glucans. Galactomnnans, glucomammans, arabinogalactans, and arabinoxylans are common diheteroglycans(composed of two sugars).the glycant vail over free glycoses in natural foods.

  The reducing sugars are readily oxidized. mild oxidation of aldoses yields aldonic acids, HOCH2-(CHOH)n-COOH; e.g., gluconic acid(n=4).oxidation of both ends of the aldose molecule yields aldaric acids, HOOC-(CHOH)n-COOH; e.g., tartaric acid(n=2). Oxidation of the terminal CH2OH group of hexoses without oxidation of the reducing function (protected) produces hexuronic acids, HOOC-(CHOH)-CHO. The hexuronic acids are common monosaccharide constituents of many heteroglycans .for example, they are found in acidic hemicelluloses, pectic substances, alginpl and exudate gumes, and the mucopolysaccharides of mammalian tissues. Penturonic acids have not been found in nature.

  Reduction of aldoses or ketoses yield sugar alcohols ,properly called ‘a(chǎn)lditols,” HOCH2-(CHOH)n-CH2OH.the suffix “-itol “ is applied to the trivial prefixes to denote different alditols; e.g., D-glucitol, D-manniitol, xylitol. The triitol, gllyceritol (by common usage, glycerol, n=1), is the alditol moiety of fats.Glycerol and D-glucitol(sorbitol) are acceptable and useful food addiaffinity for water. Pentitols(n=3) and hexutols(n=4) are found in small amount in many fruits, vegetables and hexitol, perseitol (n=5), and an octitol have been isolated from avocados. Some aditols are nutritionally available; others are not.

  Other types of carbohydrates found in food are the condensed N-acetylated amino sugars of mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and chitin; the condense deoxy sugars of gum, mucilages, and nucleotides; glcosides (sugars condensed with nonsugars); glucosinolates (toxic thioglycosides); cyclitols (myoinositol, phytic acid); and reductone, L-ascorbic acid.

  Complex carbohydrates, such as cellulose and hemicellulose, are largely indigestible, as are a number of origins


             Carbohydrate Composition of Foods


   Detains need more exact information on the carbohydrate compassion of foods. Food pressers also make practical use of carbohydrate composition data. For example, the reducing sugar content of fruits and vegetables that are to be dehydrated or processed with heat is frequently an indicator of the extent of nonenzymic browing that can expected during processing and storage. The possible hydrolysis of sucrose to reducing sugars during processing also is to be considered .the natural changes in carbohydrate composition that occur during maturation and post harvest ripening of plant foods is therefore of particular interest to food chemists.

  Citrus fruits, which normally ripen on the tree and contain no starch, undergo little change in carbohydrate composition following harvest. However, in fruit that are picked before complete ripening (e.g., apples, bananas, pears), much of the stored starch is converted to sugars as ripening process. The reducing sugar content of potatoes also increase during the sun drying of grapes and dates, sucrose is converted to D-glucose and D-fructose; accordingly, the color of the dried products is deepened by nonenzymic browning reactions.

  Green peas, green beans, and sweet corn are picked before maturity to obtain succulent textures and sweetness. Later the sugars would be converted to polysaccharides, water would be lost, and tough textures would develop. In soybean, which is allowed to mature completely before harvest, the starch reserve is depleted as sucrose and galactosy lsucroses (raffinose, stachyose, verbascose, etc.) are form in the malting of cereal grains, rapid conversions of reserve carbohydrate to sugars occur as enzymes are strongly activated.

  In foods of animal origin, postmortem activity of enzymes must be considered when carbohydrate composition data is obtained. The glycogen of animal tissues, especially liver is rapidly depolymerized to D-glucose after slaughter, and immediate deep freezing is required to preserve the glycogen. Mammalian internal organs, such as liver, kidney, and brains also eggs and shellfish, provide small amount of D-glucose in the diet .Red fresh meats contain only traces of available carbohydrate (D-glucose, D-fructose, and D-ribose) and these are extracted into bouillons and broths. Dairy products provide the main source of mammalian carbohydrate. Whole cow’s milk contains about 4.9% carbohydrates and dried skim milk contains over 50% lactose.

  Examination of food composition tables shows that in general, cereals are highest in starch content and lowest in sugars. Fruit are highest in free sugars and lowest in starch .on a dry basis, the edible portions of fruit usually contain 80-90% carbohydrate. Legumes occupy intermediate portion with regard to starch and are high in unavailable carbohydrate.

  Glycosides of many types are widely distributed in plants. Certain biologically active thioglucosides, properly called “glucosinolates”, are found in significant amount in crucifers. Mustard oils, nitriles, and goitrins are released by enzymic hydrolysis. Their suspected goitrogenic in humans have been investigated, but the amount of glucosnolates normally consumed in food such as fresh cabbage (300-1000ppm), cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, turning, rutabagas, and radishes are not now believed to cause adverse physiological effects. Cyan genetic glycosides, which release hydrogen cyanide by enzymic hydrolysis under certain condition of vegetable maceration, are known to be sources of acute toxicity in certain animal feeds; however they are not active in the customary foods of developed countries. Certain foreign varieties of lima beans and manic root (cassava) may yield up to 0.3% hydrogen cyanide by weight, but lima beans distributed in the United States yield less than 0.02%. Saponins, the surface-active glycosides of steroids and triterpenoids, are found in low concentrations in tealeaves, spinach, asparagus, beets sugar beet (0.3%), yams, soybeans (0.5%), alfalfa (2-3%), and peanuts and other legumes.


第二課  碳水化合物









    碳水化合物最初是按照它們的天然來源來命名的,例如甜菜糖、甘蔗糖、葡萄糖、麥芽糖、乳糖、玉米淀粉、肝糖原、甜玉米糖原。以后的英語名稱中就形成了唱以前綴表示來源,加后綴“-ose”表示碳水化合物的俗名。由此法產(chǎn)生的名稱,有如:fructose(果糖)、maltose(麥芽糖)、lactose(乳糖)、 xylose (木糖)、cellulose(纖維素)等。這些簡短而明確的名稱現(xiàn)在仍通用?墒,這些名稱不反映其化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)。于是就產(chǎn)生了碳水化合物的定形命名法。國際定形名稱,可以寫出其結(jié)構(gòu)式。下面幾段將對某些涉及定形命名法的專門術(shù)語作出解釋。


    以開鏈的羥基醛和羥基酮形式 存在的單糖非常活潑。它們在堿性溶液中易于烯醇化而使Cu2+、Fe(CN)63+之類的離子還原,因此稱它們?yōu)椤斑原糖”。植物依靠脫水縮和方式將活潑的單糖變成不大活潑的糖類來保存單糖的還原活性,以便輸送和貯存。例如,D-葡萄糖和D-果糖縮合成無還原性雙糖——蔗糖時,變失去了活潑的功能。不太活潑的蔗糖然后被輸送到植物的各個部位,由酶合成低聚糖和多聚糖。由數(shù)千或更多的半個蔗糖分子D-葡萄糖構(gòu)成葡聚糖、淀粉和纖維素;而由另半個蔗糖分子D-果糖聚合成為果聚糖,如菊粉。其它多聚糖則是由磷酸化己糖和核苷酸糖通過酶作用生成的其它糖聚合形成的。

    前綴“glyc”(甘、糖)在一般意義上用來表示糖及其衍生物。例如:glycoses(單糖)、glycosides(糖苷)、glycosans(聚糖)、glyconic acids (糖酸) 、glyconic acids(甘油酸)、glycuronic acids(糖醛酸)。多聚糖的俗名是“聚糖”。均聚糖由一種單糖構(gòu)成。例如D-葡聚糖、纖維素和淀粉,它們水解時只產(chǎn)生D-葡萄糖。其它均聚糖(例如己聚糖D-半乳聚糖和D-甘露聚糖;戊聚糖有L-阿拉伯聚糖D-木聚糖)在自然界中很少見到。雜聚糖由兩種或多種單糖構(gòu)成。它們在自然界的分布比均聚糖(除葡聚糖外)廣泛。半乳甘露聚糖、葡甘露聚糖、阿拉伯半乳聚糖、阿拉伯木聚糖時常見的雙雜聚糖(由兩種糖組成)。天然食物中的聚糖大大多余游離單糖。













Lesson 2 Carbohydrates


extraction 提取(),萃取(),抽提法

milling ①研磨,碾碎,磨碎,粉碎 ②磨(面)粉

dehydration 脫水(作用),人工加熱干燥(作用)

underlie vt.①位于…的下面,放在…下面 ②支承;構(gòu)成 ③屈服于 ④(權(quán)利,素賠等)優(yōu)先于

underlying  (理論,政策,行為等)的基礎(chǔ)

chelation  螯合

association n.①聯(lián)合;聯(lián)系,聯(lián)盟,合伙,交際,交往 ②聯(lián)想 ③協(xié)會,社團 ④[化]締合(作用)

hygroscopicity 吸濕性               diffusion 擴散性

osmosis 滲透性                     viscosity 粘度


trial-and-error 反復(fù)試驗;不斷摸索

ingest 口服,口食

terminology n. 術(shù)語學(xué);術(shù)語,專門名詞

corn ①玉米 ②谷物(泛指玉米,黑麥,燕麥,小麥等) ③谷粒 ④制成碎粒 ⑤用鹽腌制的

syrup  糖漿,糖水()  

corn syrup 淀粉糖漿,葡萄糖漿      cornstarch玉米淀粉      corn sugar 葡萄糖

pentosan 戊聚糖

malabsorption n.[醫(yī)]吸收不良,養(yǎng)料吸收障礙 

 mal- ①表示,,不良 ②表示 ,,不當

adverse a.(在位置或方向上)逆的,相反的,敵對的 ②不利的,有害的 ③[植](葉子等)朝著


gelatinize ①膠(凝)化 ②(淀粉)糊化     gelatinized starches 糊化淀粉

ruminant 反芻動物

hydrolyzate 水解物

rumen 瘤胃(第一胃)

intriguing vt.①用詭計取得,[古]哄騙 ②(新聞用語)引起…的興趣(或好奇)

intrigue n.①陰謀,詭計 ②私通 vi.策劃陰謀,搗鬼,私通

expend vt.消費,花費(時間,精力,金錢等);用光,耗盡

glycogen 糖原,動物淀粉

trivial a.①瑣細的,輕微的;不重要的,價值不大的 ②平常人,平凡的;(名稱)通俗的 ③(人)


xylose 木糖

nomenclature n.①名詞,術(shù)詞 ②命名(過程),命名法 ③(某一學(xué)科的)術(shù)語表,術(shù)語集

aliphatic 脂肪族的,屬于開鏈碳化合物的

polyhydroxy 多羥基

aldehyde                 aldoses醛糖

ketone                   ketoses酮糖


prevail vi.①勝(過),優(yōu)勝,成功,奏效 ②流行,盛行,普遍  ~ on 說服,勸說,誘導(dǎo)


designate vt.①指明,指出,標示 ②指定,選派 ③把…叫做,稱呼

append vt.①附加②貼上,掛上

trioses丙糖                           tetroses丁糖

pentoses戊糖                         hexoses已糖




D-glycero- D-甘油

moiety n.①一半(尤用于法律方面);約一半 ②組成部分;一份(尤指政府給告密者的一份報

       酬)  ③(部落的兩個基本分支中)一個分支

enolize使烯醇化        enolase烯醇化酶       enolization烯醇化作用

alkaline堿的,強堿的     alkali n.,強堿




oligo-and-polysaccharides 低聚糖-多聚糖       oligo-  ,缺乏,[],

glucan葡聚糖       (=glucosan)


inulin菊粉         inulase菊粉酶

phosphorylate磷酸化    phosphorylase磷酸化酶

nucleotide核苷酸       nucleotidase 核苷酶

nucleoside核苷         nucleoprotein核蛋白


glycose單糖           glycosides糖苷,配糖物      glycosan聚糖        

glyconic acids糖酸

glyceric acids甘油酸

glycuronic acid 糖醛酸


hexosan已聚糖                   galactan半乳聚糖

mannan甘露聚糖                 pentosan戊聚糖

heteroglycan雜聚糖               deheteroglycan雙雜聚糖

aldaric acid 糖二酸       

tartaric acid灑石酸

reducing function還原性功能團


algin ①藻朊,海藻素[增稠劑] ②褐藻膠,藻酸,藻朊酸 alginic a. ~ acid 藻朊酸






exudate 滲出物(),流出物()

mucopolysaccharide 粘多糖       mucosity n.()    mucus n.[](由粘膜分泌的)粘液

alcohol ①醇,醇元 ②乙醇,酒精





affinity ①親合性 ②親合勢 ③愛好飲料(一種飲料名稱)





condensed N-acetylated amino sugar 縮聚N-乙酰氨基糖



deoxy  deoxy- 脫氧

gum ①植物膠,(樹)膠 ②松脂 ③[復(fù)]膠質(zhì)軟糖

mucilage ①粘漿,粘液 ②粘膠


thioglycoside硫代糖苷    thiol (mercaptan) 硫醇    thioctic acid硫辛酸


myoinositol肌醇         myogen n.肌漿蛋白      myology n. 肌學(xué)

phytic acid 植酸

reductone 還原酮

deplete vt.(部分或全部地)弄空,使空虛,耗盡…的精力(或資源等)


date 海棗,棗椰子

green pea豌豆         green bean青刀豆









skim撇去,撇出(浮在上面的油脂,泡沫等)         skim milk 脫脂乳

legume ①莢(果);②豆科植物 ③豆莢,豆


malt 麥芽;麥芽酒,啤酒





brussel sprouts  抱子甘藍,北京牙菜




cyanogenetic生氰,能產(chǎn)生氰化物的     cyanide氰化合物      cyanidin氰定


maceration 浸透,泡軟,浸漬(作用)













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