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食品專業(yè)英語 LESSON 8 Principles Of Refrigerated Gas Storage

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   There are clear benefits from the cool temperature storage of foods. As this.

thesis evolved there was another development which paralleled it. While slow.

in maturing, it also had significant potential. The area dealt with the gas,

storage of flesh foods. The matter had appeared in quite an unexpected system─refrigerated dough. In this lesson we will explore the nature and direction. of

the technology of gas storage as it is evolving.

    Gas Packed Refrigerated Dough

     Cooking is the art of preparing foods by heating until they have changed in  flavor, appearance, tenderness and chemical composition. Baking is a form of  cooking that is carried out in an oven. Baked bread is not only one of the most ancient foods manufactured by man, it is also the food most widely eaten in the world. The  actual baking process is really the last and most important step in the production of bakery products. Through the agency of heat, an unpalatable dough mass is transformed into a light, porous, easily digestible add appetizing product.

Freshly baked products can be produced and distributed effectively However,

the storage life of soft baked goods is generally less than a week. During

this time, products stale and lost! desirable tastes and textures. The appealing

aroma of baked goods is slowly lost after the products are removed from the

ovens. For best eating, baked products are generally soon after baking.

   An ingenious means of providing consumers with ready-td-bake dough products evolved in the past few decades. This product line is called refrigerated

dough. The essential technology involves the preparation of a dough, packaging

it in a sealed container capab1e of holding about 5 atm of gas, and causing an

initial controlled release of carbon dioxide. Under refrigerated conditions, slightly above freezing, such products can be effectively produced and distributed,

and when baked yield excellent products.

   Matz(1968) reported that in such commercial refrigerated dough practices.

there is ordinarily used, as the leavening agent or gas generating component a slowly rating sodium acid pyrophosphate ot the approximate formula Na2H2P2O7 in combination with sodium bicarbonate. All ingredients are mixed under very rigidly controlled temperature conditions. (Note: dough temperature out of mixer, 10℃ to 15℃) The resulting dough is rolled out and the dough is then sheeted and cut into banks, such as discs about 5 cm in diameter by l.2 cm thick. The cut-outs are dusted with rice flour or oiled to prevent sticking together. They are then stacked and packed in a suitable can. These cans are doughtight but not gas-tight. As a result, air and carbon dioxide may and do escape so that the dough reaches and blocks the gas outlets. Within about l.5 to 3 hr after the package is sealed, for instance, the biscuits will have so expanded as to fill the container and close the original vents for gas and the internal pressure of carbon dioxide gene ated by the leavening materials will have risen to around 1 atm. Pressure within the can will be maintained over a period of 8 weeks or so if the biscuit dough and cans are normal and the storage temperature is between 7℃ to 12℃.

   One of the difficulties in the manufacture of dough using phosphate leavening agents has been the formation of visible phosphate crystals (disodium phosphate dodecahydrate). This crystal formation occurs at storage temperatures below 10℃, and is frequently most abundant at about 7℃. This crystallization is prevalent in the canned refrigerated doughs because of their extended storage, including and normal period of transportation and storage in the stores and homes. These visible crystals cause consumer rejection of the product because of their glass-like appearance and an uneven coloration of the baked goods which develops upon baking.

     It is found that phosphate leavened cereal doughs can be prepared. which

can be kept at their normal storage temperature (i.e., between about 7℃ and

12℃) for periods up to 12 weeks or more, and which are free from visible phosphate crystal formation. Such a dough is made in the conventional manner, by

mixing the ingredients such as flour, shortening, flavoring, water, the usual

minor ingredients, and the chemical leavening agent, and then allowing the dough

to develop, and shaping the dough as desired.

   The dough is then Placed in the consumer container and sealed, then allowed to proof rapidly so that dough temperature teaches 14℃ to 20℃ as quickly

as possible. Proofing involves the reaction of the chemical leaveners to provide

sufficient carbon dioxide to cause the dough to expand and fill the container so

as to close the gas vents.

    The canned dough is cooled in a conditioning area, such as controlled temperature room, at a temperature above its freezing point but below O℃. Normally the freezing point of such doughs is about -6℃. The time and temperature required to condition the dough will vary dependent upon can dimensions, net weight of the dough, formation of the dough, and refrigeration conditions used. However, it is important that the temperature of the conditioning room not be below the freezing point of the dough. The necessary time and temperature can be determined by withdrawing sample cans at intervals. opening them, and noting the temperature and condition of the dough. When microscopic crystals of disodium phosphate phosphate dodecahydrate are observed dispersed substantially uniformly throughout the dough, the dough is conditioned and will not exhibit visible phosphate crystals even after 12 weeks of storage. Once the time has been obtained for a given product under given cooling conditions, the same time of treatment can be used for subsequent production.

    Conventional refigerated doughs can be conditioned by being held at about

-7℃ to -5℃ for about 48 hr. With a higher temperature it is recommended that the bolding time be increased to 4 days. At temperatures of about -1℃ a longer holding time of about 3 days is required to obtain proper conditioning of the dough.

    After the canned dough has been conditioned, the cans are removed from

the cooling area and transferred to the usual storage area where the temperature

is maintained at 4 to 10℃. The cans may then be transported and the dough

used in the ordinary manner.

    Gas Storage of Fruits And Vegetables

Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage

     Controlled atmosphere (CA) storage refers to the composition of the atmosphere altered from that of air in respect to the proportions of O2 and/or CO2. The proportioas are controlled; O2 usually is lower and CO2 [increased; nitrogen acts as an inert “filler,” other gases may be added in low concentrations.

    Modified atmosphere (MA) storage is similar in principle to CA storage. except control of gas concentrations is less precise. Respiratory CO2 or CO2 derived from dry ice accumulates and Oz decreases.

    Lipton (1975) believes that the modification of the O2 and/or CO2 concentration in the atmosphere surrounding fresh produce is justified if the vegetable or fruit will be more valuable after CA storage than after a similar storage period in the air. CA is used most commonly to slow ripening of fruits, but appropriate mixtures of O2 and CO2 also can retard the spread of certain diseases and lower the incidence of some disorders. This is usually not apparent when storage time is brief and/or when storage temperature is optimal.

    The use of CA can also prevent desirable ripening. induce severe physiological disorders and cause an increases in decay when misused. Each kind of vegetable and fruit has its own specific, unpredictable tolerance for atmosphere modification .

     Controlled atmosphere storage bas been commonly used to delay ripening of fruits, retard the spread of disease, lower the incidence of storage disorders and inhibit toughening and yellowing. An extension of this technique is the use of packaging films to develop a microcontrolled environment in retail packages. Modification of the storage environment by suitable packaging can provide storage benefits which exceed those observed with refrigeration and controlled atmosphere.

Produce Package System

     A package of apples can be a dynamic s)-stem in which two processes, respiration and permeation, occur simultaneously. There is an uptake of O2 by the apples and evolution of CO2, C2H4, H20 and other volatiles, and, at the same time. specific restricted exchange of these gases through the packaging film. Variables that affect respiration are: weight of apples, stage of maturity, membrane permeability, temperature, 02 and CO2 partial pressures, ethylene concentration, light, etc. Variables affecting gas exchanges into and out of the package are; structure of the packaging film, thickness, area, temperature, O2, and CO2 concentrations .

     It has been demonstrated that steady state conditions are established within

suck an intact packaging system; equilibrium concentrations of 02 and CO2 prevail, and the respiration rate is equal to the rate of gas exchange. Any change in the system variables will affect the equilibrium or the time to establish steady state conditions. The packaging of fresh food in polymeric films is now frequently used in retail stores and about 40% of the produce is now distributed to retail stores in consumer packages. This packaging is designed for consumer appeal. Better use to regulate ripening and, thus, to prolong useful storage life is predicted by many people.

第八課  食品冷氣保藏原理
















確而已。由呼吸作用產(chǎn)生的CO2和來自干冰的C02累積起來,降低了O2的含量。李卜頓(1975)認(rèn)為:如果蔬菜或水果經(jīng)CA貯藏后比在空氣中貯藏相同時(shí)間后有更高的價(jià)值,那么改變新鮮農(nóng)產(chǎn)品周圍氣體中02或C02 (或兩者)的濃度是合理的。CA用于水果的緩慢后熟最為普遍,但混合適當(dāng)?shù)?2和C02也能減少某些植物病害的蔓延,從而降低腐壞事故出現(xiàn)的機(jī)會(huì)。當(dāng)貯藏時(shí)間很短或貯藏溫度適宜時(shí),通常不易見到這種不良的事故。






  Lesson 8

doMgh    ①(揉好的生)面團(tuán),  ②  一團(tuán)

tendemess  柔軟性,嫩度

oy7en    ①爐、  干燥爐,  面包烤爐  ②烘箱,烤箱

poyous  孔的,  疏松的

aroma  ①香氣,  香味  ②果香

sodium  acid  pyrophosphate  焦磷酸氫鈉

sodium  bic3rbonate      碳酸氫鈉,小蘇打

ingredient    成份,  拼分,  拼料

Vent    ①(通氣)孔,  通氣口  ②出口  ②排出,  泄放,  排久  放氣

sheet    ①薄板,  薄片  ②面片,  壓面片  ②張數(shù)

disodium  Phosphatedodecahydrate    十二水磷酸氫二鈉

PreValent    流行的,  盛行的,  普遍的,[罕]優(yōu)勢的

Proof    (面團(tuán))醒發(fā)成形

1eaVen    ①膨松劑  ②(加膨松劑)使膨松

盛mension  a。①尺寸,尺度,線度②[復(fù)]面積,容積,大、诜秶,  方

micNscopic    顯微鏡的,  象顯微鏡的,用顯微鏡,  可見的,  微觀N,  微

小的,  細(xì)微的

卻naInlc  a,①動(dòng)力的,  動(dòng)力學(xué)的  ②有生氣的,  能動(dòng)的。  有力的  n.

①動(dòng)力,  原動(dòng)力  ②動(dòng)態(tài)

v01atile    揮發(fā)的,  易揮發(fā)的

ethylene    乙烯

P01ym棚c  聚合的

permeation  n.  滲入。  通過,  彌漫,  充滿


  1.      The importance of sanitation practices is to combat the proliferation and activity of food spoilage and food poisoning microorganisms.(與…進(jìn)行斗爭)

  2.      These microbes are also characterized by their display of a variety of colors and generally recognized by their mildewy or fuzzy, cotton like appearance.(呈現(xiàn)…顏色)

  3.      Although mold growth is optimal at a water activity (Aw) of approximately 0.85,growth can and does occur below 0.80 .(在…最適條件下)

  4.      .Like molds, yeasts can be spread through the air, or other means, and alights on the surface of foodstuffs.(通過…來傳播)

  5.      Certain spores are resistant of heat, chemicals, and other adverse environmental conditions.(不利的環(huán)境條件)

  6.      Most methods used to kill microorganisms may be applied in a milder treatment to inhibit microbial growth.

 1)     句中this thesis 指課文中上句中提到的 the cool temperature storage of foods。 Thesis, 作為論題、課題解。Another development 應(yīng)引伸作新發(fā)展起來的食品低溫儲(chǔ)藏解。Which 引導(dǎo)的從句作定語,修飾another development, 其中it指this thesis

2)while slow in maturing 是省略了主語和動(dòng)詞的讓步狀語從句,主語和主句的相同,完整形式應(yīng)為while it was slow in maturing。 主句的主語it指的是上句中提到的another development。
3)句中,that in such commercial…in combination with sodium bicarbonate 是賓語從句。該從句是there be 句型,其主語是a slowly acting sodium acid pyrophosphate…with sodium bicarbonate。Of the approximate formula Na2H2P2O7 介詞短語作定語, 修飾pyrophosphate; in combination with sodium bicarbonate 介詞短語作定語,也修飾pyrophosphate; ordinarily used as…component 為分詞短語作定語,也修飾pyrophosphate。

4)本句是被動(dòng)句,其主語是Better use to…life, 謂語是is predicted。主語中介詞短語to regulate ripening和to prolong useful storage life是并列的,作定語修飾Better。 



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