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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-08-12

[00:02.38]Yeah. 對(duì)
[00:07.74]Six are elementary school students, one is a sibling, 7個(gè)感染者都是小學(xué)生,其中有2個(gè)是兄弟
[00:12.10]and there’s another one in another county 另一個(gè)鎮(zhèn)上還有1個(gè)
[00:13.42]in Kentucky, so... 在肯塔基州,這樣的話
[00:17.62]Kowalcyk: It will be seven years 從我兒子去世算起
[00:21.46]since my son died. 到現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)7年了
[00:25.62]All I wanted the company to do 我希望食品公司做的
[00:25.66]was say "We’re sorry. 只是說(shuō)一句"我們很抱歉
[00:27.50]We produced this defective product 我們的產(chǎn)品受到污染
[00:29.82]that killed your child, and this is what 導(dǎo)致您兒子的死亡,我們以后
[00:32.82]we’re going to do to make sure it doesn’t happen again." 將建立更安全的生產(chǎn)流程以避免這樣的事情再次發(fā)生"
[00:35.02]That’s all we wanted, 我們的要求就是這樣
[00:39.70]and they couldn’t give us that. 可他們連這么簡(jiǎn)單的要求也無(wú)法滿足
[00:49.90]Pollan: The industrial food system is always looking 工業(yè)化的食品生產(chǎn)和供應(yīng)系統(tǒng)
[00:53.74]for greater efficiency, but each new step in efficiency 總是追求更高效率,但是對(duì)效率的追求
[00:57.94]If you take feedlot cattle off of their corn diet, 只要你停止給牛喂食玉米
[01:04.14]give them grass for five days, 讓它們吃上5天的草
[01:06.30]they will shed 80% of the E. coli in their gut. 它們就會(huì)排出消化道里80%的埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌
[00:00.00]by: 更多電影原聲MP3盡在人人聽(tīng)力網(wǎng) http://www.rrting.com/English/movie_mp3/
[01:08.98]But of course that’s not what the industry does. 但是食品工業(yè)卻沒(méi)有這樣做
[01:10.34]when it has a systematic problem like that-- 食品工業(yè)的應(yīng)對(duì)方法
[01:10.50]The industry’s approach is-- 當(dāng)出現(xiàn)這種系統(tǒng)性的問(wèn)題
[01:13.98]is not to go back and see what’s wrong with the system, 不是仔細(xì)檢查系統(tǒng)本身出現(xiàn)了什么問(wèn)題
[01:17.34]it’s to come up some high-tech fixes that allow the system to survive. 而是使用科技,對(duì)系統(tǒng)進(jìn)行修補(bǔ),好讓它繼續(xù)存在
[01:30.74]Man: The 5x5 product surge tank-- 這是5x5產(chǎn)品緩沖罐
[01:32.58]low level. Low level. 低水平,低水平
[01:34.58](man speaks over radio)
[01:36.26]Eldon Roth: This is our operations center. 這是我們的操作中心
[01:37.58]We control all of our plants from here. 我們?cè)谶@里控制所有廠房
[01:40.62]Where’s Chicago? Here’s Chicago, 芝加哥的廠房?在這里
[01:42.46]Georgia, Utah, Kansas, 還有喬治亞州,猶他州,堪薩斯州
[01:46.46]Nebraska, Texas, L.A., Ohio. 內(nèi)布拉斯加州,德克薩斯州,洛杉磯,俄亥俄州
[01:48.66]We control all levels of the gearboxes, 我們控制變速箱的檔位
[01:52.50]the speed of motors-- 發(fā)動(dòng)機(jī)的速度
[01:53.18]we can change those all from here. 我們可以在這里控制一切
[02:04.02]We built something that-- 我們建造的這個(gè)操作中心
[02:06.06]from a food-safety standpoint, 從食品安全的角度來(lái)看
[02:07.38]we think we’re ahead of everybody. 是領(lǐng)先其他同業(yè)的
[02:10.54]We think we can lessen the incidents 我想,我們可以減少
[02:12.58]of E. coli 0157:h7. O157-H7型埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌污染事件
[02:18.10]But I just started working with ammonia 不過(guò)我才剛開(kāi)始在生產(chǎn)過(guò)程使用氨氣
[02:20.58]and ammonia hydroxide. 和氨水
[02:23.62]Ammonia kills bacteria, 氨能消除細(xì)菌
[02:24.62]so it became a processing tool. 因此被用在肉類處理過(guò)程中
[02:40.18]I’m really a mechanic. 我其實(shí)是個(gè)機(jī)械師
[02:41.70]That’s really what I am. 那才是我的工作
[02:46.18]We design our own machinery. 我們自行設(shè)計(jì)生產(chǎn)設(shè)備
[03:11.46]Roth: This is our finished product. 這就是我們的產(chǎn)品
[03:17.46]最終的產(chǎn)品 被可以殺死埃舍利希氏大腸桿菌(E.coli.)的氨水 清洗過(guò)的漢堡夾心肉類填充物
[03:24.86]Man: Is your meat in most of the hamburgers in the country? 你們的肉類被用在美國(guó)大多數(shù)的漢堡里嗎?
[03:26.86]Roth: 70%. 70%吧
[03:28.86]In five years, we think we’ll be in 100%. 我們覺(jué)得5年內(nèi)可以增長(zhǎng)到100%
[03:34.38]We do have some competitors. 雖然我們有競(jìng)爭(zhēng)者
[03:36.38]I think we’re gonna beat them. 不過(guò)我們可以弄死他們
[03:36.58]- (buzzes) - Roth: Again, it’s a marriage 我重申,這就是
[03:41.10]of science and technology. 科學(xué)和技術(shù)的聯(lián)合
[03:42.94](man speaking over radio)
[03:58.66]I want dollar meal-- 我要1美元的特惠食品
[04:00.82]- five rodeo cheeseburgers... - Woman: Five rodeos. Okay. -5個(gè)牛仔吉士漢堡 -5個(gè)牛仔堡,好的
[04:03.34]...two chicken sandwich. 兩個(gè)雞肉三明治
[04:06.34]- Woman: Anything else? - Man: Two small drinks, -還要?jiǎng)e的嗎? -2杯小號(hào)飲料
[04:08.02]and give me a large Dr. Pepper. 還有1杯大號(hào)胡椒博士汽水
[04:11.02]- $11.48. - Thank you. -11塊4毛8 -謝謝
[04:13.54]First window. Thank you. 請(qǐng)?jiān)?號(hào)窗取食物,謝謝
[04:18.42]Maria Gonzalez: We didn’t even think about healthy eating 我們以前不會(huì)想到什么是健康餐飲
[04:21.42]because we used to think everything was healthy. 因?yàn)槲覀冇X(jué)得吃什么都是健康的
[04:23.74]- Here you go. - Thank you. -這是您點(diǎn)的食物 -謝謝
[04:26.62]- Have a nice day. - You too. Thank you very much. -祝您有愉快的一天 -你也是,謝謝
[04:28.94]Maria: Now that I know that the food is 現(xiàn)在我才知道
[04:31.14]really unhealthy for us, 這些食物是不健康的
[04:33.14]I feel guilty giving it to my kids. 我為讓我的孩子吃這樣的食物而愧疚
[04:36.82]But we don’t have time to cook because we leave at 6:00. 但是我們6點(diǎn)下班,沒(méi)有時(shí)間自己做飯
[04:39.66]We don’t get home until 9:00, 10:00 at night. 我們一般要9點(diǎn)或者10點(diǎn)才到家
[04:45.86]When you have only a dollar to spend 當(dāng)你只能花1美元
[04:47.70]and you have two kids to feed, 去喂飽2個(gè)孩子
[04:49.70]and try to find something that’s cheap 試著買點(diǎn)便宜的食物
[04:54.22]or just go straight through a drive-thru 要么就開(kāi)車到免下車餐館
[04:56.38]and get two small hamburgers for them 買兩個(gè)小漢堡給他們
[04:56.74]and "Okay, here. Eat them." "好了,就吃這個(gè)吧"
[04:58.58]This is what’s gonna fill her up, 吃這個(gè)可以飽肚
[05:00.42]not that one single item at the market. 同樣的錢在市場(chǎng)只能買到一種食物



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