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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2011-09-16
核心提示:在英國每到星期天,很多傳統(tǒng)餐廳和酒館的菜單上都會出現(xiàn)the Sunday roast 周日烤肉大餐。 大家可以選擇自己喜歡的烤肉,配上金黃色的烤土豆和時令鮮蔬,再澆上濃肉汁,就成了美味可口的一道菜。在本期節(jié)目中,廚師Rupert Smith將為我們介紹一些做烤肉大餐的小秘方,請注意收聽。

About this script關(guān)于臺詞的備注:
Please note that this is not a word for word transcript of the programme as broadcast. In the recording and editing process, changes may have been made which may not be reflected here.

Nick Coffer: If ever a plate of food looked appealing, this is it. I asked you to focus on Sunday roast today and you have just bought in a plate of food that frankly, well, it'll be fair to say that we could eat the whole lot, couldn't we.
Guest: Without a doubt.
Nick Coffer: Let me describe it.

Neil: Helen, it sounds like BBC radio presenter Nick Coffer is having a feast in his studio.

Helen: I think I heard him mention a Sunday roast 周日烤肉大餐。

Neil: Yes, he did. I love a roast dinner, and a glass of wine with it.

Helen: 那么 Neil, 我們今天在Delicious Dishes 系列節(jié)目中就來了解一下這道英國傳統(tǒng)菜是什么吧。

Neil: Well, Nick's guest, chef Rupert Smith, prepared the dish for them and first he talks about how to choose a joint of beef.

Helen: 我們聽到的是烤牛肉大餐,那么牛肉的選擇有什么講究嗎?

I think the key thing when you're choosing meat is: don't be scared of fat. Fat is actually – you want that marbling through the meat. By marbling I mean nice white flecks of fat through the eye of the meat.

Helen: 廚師Rupert 說不要怕肥肉,最好選帶有肥肉的牛肉,就像有大理石紋路那樣的,肥瘦相間。Marble 就是大理石。

Neil: It's not for people on a diet then.

Helen: No, definitely not.

Neil: How is the beef cooked? Can you tell from the next clip what other ingredients are cooked with the beef in the oven?

I put the skin side in a hot pan, and get that nice and crispy on the outside, get a nice caramelised colour on both sides. And that will go into the oven, I usually put it in a roasting tray, on top of some carrots, onions, garlic, thyme, put the beef on top of that. Then the roast potatoes go in with that beef, and they all get cooked in together. That's where you get great roast potatoes from.

Helen: Rupert 在做這道菜的時候,會把牛肉帶皮的那一面先在鍋里煎一下。

Neil: So it's nice and crispy on the outside. The beef also turns a nice caramelised colour.

Helen: Caramelise 這個詞在菜譜和飲食節(jié)目中經(jīng)常出現(xiàn), 意思就是把糖用小火不停的熬,直到變成焦糖。牛肉的表皮在煎了以后,就有點帶焦糖的感覺。然后就放進(jìn)烤箱里。

Neil: The beef is roasted with carrots, onions, garlic, thyme and roast potatoes.

Helen: 對了,肉還會同時和其他蔬菜一起烤, 比如胡蘿卜carrots, 洋蔥onions, 大蒜garlic, 百里香草thyme 和土豆potatoes. 這樣肉汁會讓蔬菜更入味。

Neil: A proper Sunday roast with beef will always have a Yorkshire pudding with it and I love it when it's properly puffed up.

Helen: 這個Yorkshire pudding 約克郡布丁其實不是甜品,它是面糊做的,有點像酥餅,人們一般用它來沾盤里的肉汁。想要讓Yorkshire pudding 烤得又大又松,關(guān)鍵是要用熱油。

You put the Yorkshire pudding tray in with the oil, get it really hot, and then in goes the batter. As the batter hits the oil, it should all bubble up. And then just close the oven door, gently, not too harsh. Then about 15 to 20 minutes later, you've got perfect Yorkshire pudding.

Neil: So the secret is hot oil. Get the oil very hot and then put in the batter, then it should all bubble up.

Helen: Bubble up 起泡泡。油燒熱了以后把面糊倒進(jìn),馬上就會起泡。

Neil: Then you put the pan with the batter into the oven and bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Helen: 然后放進(jìn)烤箱烤15 到20 分鐘。約克郡布丁就好了。

Will: And one of the last steps of preparing the roast dinner is getting the gravy ready.

Helen: The gravy 肉汁,肉湯。這個肉汁非常重要,有了它,整道菜吃起來就很滋潤。那么這個gravy 是怎么做的呢?

After you have roasted the meat, taken the beef out of the pan, you drained off the excess oil, in goes a little bit of red wine, and that will take all the flavour off the bottom of the pan, add your chicken stock, your veal stock, whatever you can buy, and just reduce that down and you will get a beautiful flavoured thick gravy.

Helen: 原來肉汁是烤肉盆里留下的。

Neil: You add a little bit of red wine to the juice that's left from the roasting tray. Then add chicken stock or veal stock to the pan.

Helen: Red wine, lovely! 把烤肉盆里多余的油都到掉后,再加點紅酒泡一泡。然后加入雞湯料或者是牛肉湯料,stock 就是原湯料。

Neil: Then this stock is brought to the boil and reduced to a thick gravy.

Helen: Reduce 在這里是指用小火燒,讓肉湯濃縮變稠。好了,一盆牛肉Sunday roast 就完成了。希望大家都學(xué)到了Rupert 做這道菜的一些小秘方。

Neil: The roast dinner is not complicated, but it does take a good couple of hours to cook.

Helen: But I think it will be worth the effort and I might give it a try next time on a Sunday. 好了,如果你想了解更多的英語學(xué)習(xí)節(jié)目請隨時登陸www.bbcukchina.com. Bye!

Neil: Bye bye!



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