The spinach outbreaks in 2006 has revealed one shocking question - how can E. coli and other harmful bacteria survive the power washings used to clean vegetables and fruits
The answer? Disease-causing microbes can make their way inside the leaves of lettuce, spinach and other vegetables and fruit, where surface treatment can not reach. In addition, microbes can form biofilms on the surfaces of fruits and vegetables.
A new study shows that irradiation kills microbes inside fruits and vegetables that otherwise would not be removed with washing alone or using chemical sanitizers.
According to the LA Times, no health problems are associated with eating irradiated food. But irradiated food can not be certified organic and certain groups are concerned about radioactive wastes from the treatment.
The Food and Drug Administration is still reviewing this food treatment. So in the meantime, what can we do to make sure our family is eating clean fruits and vegetables? The University of Maine lists the best way to keep raw fruits and vegetables safe, and tested commercial wash treatments such as Fit and ozone systems. You might be surprised what their results showed.