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放大字體  縮小字體 發(fā)布日期:2009-07-30
核心提示:I used to think that worrying about sunscreens was the beach-bag equivalent of angsting about using a microwave: the latter's energy-saving credentials and a lack of evidence of harm overrides doubt for me. And with sunscreen I reasoned that the pro

    I used to think that worrying about sunscreens was the beach-bag equivalent of angsting about using a microwave: the latter's energy-saving credentials and a lack of evidence of harm overrides doubt for me. And with sunscreen I reasoned that the protection it "delivers" (to borrow from the cosmetic industry's lexicon) outweighs any niggling doubts about its ingredients.

    But then a little light holiday reading began to erode my confidence. Turns out that a 2008 study by Italian scientists found that UV filters in sunscreens causes coral bleaching. (This is an unfortunate ecological coincidence, as one of the original compounds for sunscreen was synthesised from an Australian coral reef.) According to researchers, 10,000 tonnes of UV filters are produced every year, about 10% of which are used by the 78 million tourists visiting sensitive coral areas. As a 20-minute slathered-up dip in the sea is enough to wash off 25% of the ingredients into the water, 4,000 to 6,000 tonnes of UV sunscreen are released annually into the sea, affecting 10% of the world's coral reefs. Amazingly, given the risk of sun exposure to our health, some resorts now specify "no sunscreen".

    As if that were not enough of an impact, sunscreens increasingly contain nanoparticles, smaller than one one-thousandth the diameter of a human hair. Often this simply enables a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) to dry clear and disappear into the skin rather than forming a white paste that takes all day to rub in. But for something so tiny, these nanoparticles cause massive debate, the main charge being that their application has outrun regulation.

    There's more. Alongside unease about parabens and other chemicals common in personal care products, 2001 research by Swiss toxicologist Margaret Schlumpf tested six UV-screening chemicals, including one known as 4-MBC. When the latter was mixed with olive oil and applied to rat skin, it doubled the rate of uterine growth well before puberty, which led to claims that "gender-bending chemicals that mimic the effect of oestrogen are common in sunscreens".

    Enough, you might think, to drive many sunseekers into the arms of "natural" sunscreens. Except that a couple of the originals have disappeared from sale, apparently unable to provide sufficient SPF without help from man-made chemicals. But there are still some strong alternative sunscreens out there that are biodegradable and possibly old-fashioned, in the sense that they rely on a physical barrier, like zinc oxide. The current issue of Ethical Consumer (www.ethicalconsumer.org) contains an in-depth review. And yes, they do work - although some represent a compromise. Green People, for example (4), uses a nanoparticle, titanium dioxide, which it considers both necessary and safe.

    Or you might consider a parasol, or large-brimmed hat, both of which will "deliver" vital protection.




    還不僅僅是這些。人們使用的護(hù)理產(chǎn)品中的帕拉膠和其他化學(xué)品也帶來了種種困擾。2001年瑞士毒物學(xué)者M(jìn)argaret Schlumpf進(jìn)行了研究,她測試了6種紫外線屏蔽化學(xué)品,其中包括4-MBC.當(dāng)4-MBC與橄欖油混合,涂在受創(chuàng)的皮膚表面時(shí),會在青春期前,就讓人體內(nèi)的雌激素增長速度加倍,這種"模仿雌激素作用的性別扭曲化學(xué)品在防曬霜遮陽劑中頗為常見。"

    你可能會想,罷了,讓那些愛好曬太陽的人投入所謂"天然"遮陽劑的懷抱吧。現(xiàn)在,有幾種天然防曬成分已經(jīng)買不到了,而只用人工合成化學(xué)物質(zhì)顯然是沒法達(dá)到足夠的防曬指數(shù)的。不過市面上還是有其他的強(qiáng)效遮陽劑可作為備選。這些遮陽劑可以生物分解,從其依賴氧化鋅等物理隔離手段的角度來看,還頗為傳統(tǒng)。消費(fèi)道德雜志(ethical consumer)最新一期(www.ethicalconsumer.org)有一篇深入分析。的確,這些備選遮陽劑非常管用--盡管有些個(gè)只是折衷之選。在案例4里,綠色人群(Green People)使用納米粒子、二氧化鈦,他們認(rèn)為這兩種物質(zhì)必不可少,而且很安全。




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