Pack(s) (Packing(s)) 包裝
Supply(Supplied) 包裝
Package(s) 包裝
How Supplied 包裝方式
Packing for Hospital 醫(yī)院用包裝
Method of Supply 包裝方式
Package Quantities(Quantity)包裝量
Presentation 包裝
Hospital (Size) Packs 醫(yī)院用包裝
Availability 包裝
Trade Packs (Packings) 商品包裝
Mode (Form) of Issue 包裝
ampoule(s) 安瓿
carton 紙盒
blister pack (package) 鋁塑包裝(水泡眼包裝)
pack 包
blister strip 鋁塑條狀包裝(水泡眼條包裝)
sheet 張
bottle 瓶
strip 條
box 盒
tube 管
can 罐
vial 玻璃小瓶
aerosol (spray, inhaler) 氣霧劑
ampoule 針劑
capsules 膠囊
oral solution 口服液
coated(-)tablets 包衣片
pill 丸劑
cream 乳膏
powder 粉劑
derm TTS 皮膚貼膏
retard capsules (tablets) 緩釋膠囊(片)
dragees 糖衣丸
scored-tablets 刻(劃)痕片
drops 滴劑
solution 溶液劑
emulsion 乳劑栓劑
sugar-coated tablets 糖衣片
film-coated tablets 薄膜片,膜衣片
suppositories 栓劑
granule 顆粒
suspension 懸浮劑,混懸劑
injection 注射劑,針劑
sustainedrelease tablets 恒(緩)釋片
liniment 搽劑
syrup 糖漿
liquid 液劑
tablets 片劑
ointment 軟膏
例1 Presentation 30 capsules.
例2 Packages:Box containing one 100 mg bottle
包裝:盒裝,每盒1瓶,每瓶100 mg.
例3 Packing Bottle of 12 capsules 250 mg and 500 mg.Box of 12 capsules 250 mg in blister. Bottle for pediatric use (granulated): 20 gm granulated contain 1 gm ampicillin, The content of the spoon included in the packing corresponds to 100 mg ampicillin.
包裝瓶裝12粒膠囊,每粒含量250或500mg。盒裝12粒膠囊(水泡眼包裝),每粒含量250mg。瓶裝兒童用顆粒劑:20克顆粒劑每瓶含有 1 g 氨芐青霉素。附在包裝內(nèi)的一匙的量,相當(dāng)于1O0 mg 氨芐青霉素。
例4 Mode of issue Ceopran Is issued in vials containing 250 mg, 500 mg and 1 gram of cephaloridine.
包裝方式本品小瓶包裝,內(nèi)裝 250mg、500mg及 1 g 頭抱菌素II.
例5 Trade packs Trade packs containing 50 and 100 sugar coated tablets.
商品包裝 50 及 100 糖衣片包裝。
例6 Packs (Madopar) 250: Cross-scrored tablets each containing 200mg levodopa+50 mg benserazide.
包裝 美多巴“250”刻痕片,每片含200mg左族多巴+50mg羥芐絲肼。
例7 Method of supply Tablets in tubes, each containing 30 tablets. Paint in glass bottles of 24 ml.Meladinine is supplied only on prescription.
包裝方式 管裝片劑.每管30片。玻璃瓶裝搽劑,每瓶24ml。敏白靈只按處方供藥。
例8 Availability Syrup: Orbenin syrup is available in bottles containing reconstitutable powder for preparing an aqueous solution. When dispensed each 5 ml teaspoonful contains 125mg cloxacillin as the sodium salt.
包裝 糖漿:全霉林糖漿為瓶裝,內(nèi)含可供再配制水溶液的粉末。配制后的每茶匙5ml藥液中含125ml 鄰氯青霉素鈉鹽,
例9 How supplied Tablets: Coumadin (crystalline Wartarin Sodium USP), For oral use, single scored imprinted numerically and Packaged in bottles with potencies and colors as follows:
包裝 片劑:香豆定(結(jié)晶華法林鋼一美國(guó)藥典標(biāo)準(zhǔn))。供口服。藥片上有一條劃痕,印有數(shù)字。瓶裝,效價(jià)及顏色如下:
例10 Also available in Hospital Unit-Dose blister package of 100.
例11 Temaril 250:white, film-coated tablets marked on one side with 250, each tablet containing 291.5mg ciprofloxacin hydrochloride monohydrate (equivalent 50 250mg ciprofoxacin).
替馬利爾25U:白色有刻痕標(biāo)記的薄膜片,一面刻有“250mg”字樣、每片含 291.5mg 鹽酸環(huán)丙沙星-水合物(相當(dāng)于250mg環(huán)丙沙星)。
例12 Packs Standard packs of 20 dregees Hospital packs of 100,500 and 1000 dregees.
包裝 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)包裝為20粒糖衣九。醫(yī)院用包裝為100,500及1000粒糖衣丸。
例13 Package ouantities Beconase Nasal Spray is a metered-dose aerosolsol with a specially designed nasal applicator. Each canister provides 200 sprays.
包裝 噴霧劑是一種氣霧劑.配有專門設(shè)計(jì)可供鼻用的噴霧器,每罐可噴霧 200次。